The breakout superhero team Final Hazard, after spending most of their summer apart, has gathered together for fun on the beach. But leader Kim “Reversal” Nguyen (Holly), Davey “Doomzone” Domingos (Jovian), and Yoshiko “Black Cavalier” Yamaguchi (Bee) find their quiet afternoon rudely interrupted by a loud and bombastic supervillain! Will the help of Celeste “Papillon” Blake (Chris) be enough to beat back the young girl and her army of strange dolls, or will they need the help of a mysterious interloper (Meg) to win the day? Find out in this thrilling new issue of our brand new series!
Episode art by Bee.
Sound editing by Holly.
Original music by Avery Stemmler.
Other music by Kevin MacLeod, licensed under Creative Commons 3.0.
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